Thursday, June 11, 2009

What to blog about today??

There's not much new stuff going on in our lives, but I do have a small decision to make (very small), and maybe some of you can help me out with it...(We also have a BIG decision to make, so read past this next paragraph if you want to get to the interesting part!)

I have an iPhone (the 2G), and I LOVE it. But I have the opportunity to "upgrade" to a Blackberry and I can't decide if I want to do that. (See, I told you it was a very small decision.) ;-) My iPhone has never failed me, and it is so darn easy to use. Plus, the Facebook, eBay, and iPod apps right there on the screen are the apps I use the most. The colors are bright and pretty, the photo app is amazing (I have more than 1,000 pictures stored on my iPhone, with room to spare), AND I have a Bible app on it. Too cool. The only downside of the iPhone seems to be email...Apple is definitely lacking that area. Of course, Blackberry is known for its fabulous email. But, um, that's about it. Okay, so I've pretty much made up my mind...I'm keeping my iPhone. I mean, why mess with a good (free) thing??

Now for the big decision...

Brad and I have been discussing the option of doing in vitro once again. Jacob is 19 months old, and my baby fever is kicking into high gear. I go back and forth though...I love sleeping more than three hours at a time, not having to use bottles, and the independence that Jacob has. He doesn't do well when Brad or I pick up another baby/child. And by "doesn't do well" I mean he throws a temper tantrum. Big time. We're loving spending quality time with him, and don't know if that would last should he have a little brother or sister. We wouldn't start the whole IVF process until Jacob is two years old, just so we can try on our own and see if it could happen "naturally." I'm so confident in God's ability to perform miracles, that I know it can happen if He so decides. :-) I also know that we were put through the trials of IVF for a reason...Brad's and my relationship grew (in ways they never would have, had we not gone through that time together), my relationship with the Lord grew, and my relationship with MYSELF grew. I learned how strong I could be.

After I had Jacob everything changed (didn't I mention that in an earlier post??), including my job. Which was for the BETTER. I'm just so amazed every day how God has worked everything out in our lives. It blows my mind. What I'm doing now wasn't a "career" move for me, but something I thought I'd want to do while Jacob was young. Man, I got FAR more than I'd ever hoped or dreamed. My relationship with the Lord has blossomed over the past year, and let me tell you, Satan really has been trying to get me down. In so many ways, that I won't go into here. Unless you just HAVE to know. ;-) But it's so great to work in an environment where other Christians help you grow in your faith.

Anywho, because of my change in jobs, I also make a little less--okay, a lot less!--$$. Which, even if given the opportunity to make what I did in my last job for another job, I wouldn't take it. The positives of this job FAR outweigh any amount of money I could be given. How cool is it that Brad, Jacob and I all ride together to work/daycare? (Jacob goes to daycare here at the church where Brad and I work.) But IVF takes money, which we just don't have right now. (Even though my wonderful parents have said they'd foot the bill, which they did for Jacob, I hate that we have to go to them. But geez, they are just such a blessing to us, I have to say that!) Having a baby takes money, which we don't have right now. And sending a baby to daycare takes money, which we also don't have right now.

So you see our decision is huge! One that will take lots and lots of prayer. Please pray for us, that we make the right decision.


  1. Charles and I are going to start trying for another baby when Colin turns two, also! I wish you nothing but luck and I will be saying prayers for you! I just KNOW that everything happens for a reason. There is never "enough" money for another child, but everything will work out for the best. It is amazing what you can accomplish when God is on your side!

  2. Keep the iphone!

    And I'll be praying for y'all about all the baby stuff! Either way, you have a precious precious baby boy!

  3. Honey, whatever you and Brad decide together is what you should do. Listen to the voice of God and you can't go wrong.

    You KNOW we'd love to have another grandbaby...and another and another. And we'll be there for you when/if you should want us. In the meantime, though, be prayerful and whatever you need US to do, we'll happily oblige.

    I think there's nothing like a child having a sibling for a playmate. I know some people say they loved being an only child but I couldn't imagine not having my siblings. Jacob would get accustomed to having a baby brother or sister and it might even calm those "tantrums" by giving him more focus on others and the ways that he could help mommie and daddy by being the big brother.

    I know for me, having the first baby (you) was rough but after we had Diana and Stephen, it was a piece of cake. Really, you all kept each other company and played so well together and I calmed down a LOT after having the second and third babies. I know it'll be hard for you to believe this, but I was less crazed and neurotic after the subsequent births than I was with just you.

    Be prayerful.

    I love you THIS much!

  4. I have the Blackberry Storm and I am not to fond of it. If your iPhone is that easy to use I would not change.

    I will pray for you on your big decision. :) do have an adorable baby boy :)

  5. Thanks Courtney, Brittany, mom and Lindsay!


Jacob--3 years old

Nine Months Old

Nine Months Old

Three Weeks Old

Three Weeks Old

First Christmas

First Christmas

One hour old!

One hour old!


About Me

My photo
I am a wife, mother, sister, friend, and above all, a CHRISTIAN. I love the Lord with all my heart. I try to walk the walk and talk the talk, but I don't always succeed. I have the best husband a girl could ask for, and a precious (but sassy) son who will be four years old in a few weeks! Wow, how time is flyin'.