Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Second Post!

I know you all have been waiting for another post (rolling my eyes)...so here goes! *side note*... Please pardon my completely random thoughts...this is more or less my scrapbooking hobby; I don't have time to sit down and scrapbook, so I'm going to use technology what it's made for and write my "feelings" on the computer. Plus, my family lives too far away, and this is just one way they can keep up with my family and me. There; there's my justification in having a blog. :-)

Let me give a little background of "The Fitts Family" for those of you who know me, but not B (my hubby) and vice versa...(If you get bored with the geneaology of the Bible, you might want to stop here; the background might rank right up there with that)...

B (short for my husband's name, but won't put names on here for the sake of keeping stalkers away; not that someone couldn't find out if they were persistent enough, but anyway...) was born and raised here in good 'ole Alabama, while I was born in Louisiana. B lived in one general area of Birmingham his entire life; I on the other hand moved around A LOT. Lake Charles to Baton Rouge, then to Lafayette, Mandeville, Shreveport, and back to Lafayette. Of all the cities, I loved Lafayette the most. The food is G-O-O-D!!! Man, I miss those crawfish... Anyway, everyone asks me what brought me to Alabama. So here it is in a nutshell: My sister moved here before I did; she was diagnosed with scleroderma, a rare auto-immune disease that affects only 15 in one million people. Doctors told her there was an experimental light treatment, either in England or, you guessed it, Birmingham, AL! So yeah, she chose Alabama. One of the nurses at the Kirklin Clinic felt God layed it on her heart to ask my sis to come live with her here in our tiny town. What a huge blessing that was for D (my sis); she was scared enough as it was, and to have to live in a foreign town where she didn't know anyone for three + months was scary. L (the nurse) took her in and took her to church with her. D got involved in the College & Career ministry at the church and that is where her life changed. She would come back to Louisiana-- where I was still living at the time--and tell me about this new life of hers. She listened to Christian music, she raised her hands in church. I thought, "she's gone nuts!"

We were raised in a very traditional Methodist church and didn't do "those things". But my life needed a change as well, and so on August 20, 2000, I made the move to Alabama. And THAT is where MY life changed. I've always been a Believer, but never had that RELATIONSHIP with Jesus that D talked about when she'd come home to visit. I know the Lord brought me to Alabama, and more specifically, my church, for a reason, and that was to bring me closer to Him. I met my wonderful husband at the church, and now we have one "perfect" little boy. ;-) He was long-awaited for, but I'll save that for another blog.

So I guess that wasn't much of a "nutshell" but it'll do. Hope you hung (??--is that correct?? Yes, I'm a grammar freak, and that also is for another blog!) in there with me through all that. Till tomorrow...


  1. Your Blog looks great- check mine out if you haven't! www.graber-family.blogspot.com

  2. I did not know that's how y'all ended up here! Cool story though!!

  3. We actually won't be moving to Illinois. Micah will be doing the program online. Would have been nice to meet some new people though!

  4. You are doing a great job! Check out our blog: http://linzandspence.blogspot.com


Jacob--3 years old

Nine Months Old

Nine Months Old

Three Weeks Old

Three Weeks Old

First Christmas

First Christmas

One hour old!

One hour old!


About Me

My photo
I am a wife, mother, sister, friend, and above all, a CHRISTIAN. I love the Lord with all my heart. I try to walk the walk and talk the talk, but I don't always succeed. I have the best husband a girl could ask for, and a precious (but sassy) son who will be four years old in a few weeks! Wow, how time is flyin'.